Today’s teens and 20s, commonly referred to as Gen Z, have specific behaviors in many areas. To reach them, an appropriate tone-of-voice is appropriate.
But what about their viewing habits?
Do these young people still watch TV?
On a TV set or are they all “cord cutters” who only watch online on other, smaller screens?
How successful are the channels’ BVOD platforms with non-linear TV content, on all screens?
How much time do they spend on the ad-free platforms like Netflix, Streamz or Disney+ ?
How can advertisers reach this generation with a video message? What can such a plan look like?
VIA will try to answer many of these questions with this webinar.
Setting the scene. By Joeri Van den Berg, Future consumer expert (in english)
Meet Gen Z. Born into a technological world, GenZ is social-media-literate, always-on and hyper-informed. Online platforms are not only their means to be in the know or stay connected, but above all allow them to amplify their voice. From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter, Gen Z is not afraid to question authority and call out injustice. It’s a generation that struggles with mental well-being, but they don’t hold back to openly talk it. With many coming of age during the pandemic, the lockdown years put a mark on their lives and outlook on the future.
So what characterises these Zoomers, and how are they different from the generations before them?
This presentaion sheds a light on what makes Gen Z tick and what they expect from brands.
(speakers to be announced)
This presentation examines the key changes that characterize Gen Z’s viewing behavior based on evidence from all available sources:
The presentation will be delivered in Dutch & French, alternately.
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